Build A Strong Foundation With The Best Tech Stacks For Your Startup
Picking the right technology stack can be overwhelming for any company founder, especially for someone who does not have a tech background. One can have a hard time finding the right set of tools and frameworks used in software development that can ensure the best performance of the product. Every application has different needs. Hence the initial choice is important to ensure that the final product will deliver the best user experience. This article will help anyone with a non-coding background understand how to choose the best tech stack for a startup.
Table of Contents
A tech stack combines tools and frameworks used in software development. Simply put, it's a set of programming languages, frameworks, and tools for developing web and mobile applications.
The two primary pieces of a technology stack are front-end and back-end software frameworks.
The front-end runs on the user’s client, which in the case of the web application is a web browser, while the back-end runs on the server that delivers data or web pages to the client. While the back end interacts with the database and creates web pages, the front-end provides interactive web pages using JavaScript.
The Front-end: A Brief Introduction
Front-end development incorporates everything a user sees on-screen, a website, or a mobile app.
Google's AngularJS and Facebook's React.js are the most popular web front-end stacks developers use.
1. AngularJS
Google's AngularJS is an open-source MVC framework used to develop single-page applications. It is a developing structure that gives better approaches to creating web applications by changing the static HTML to dynamic HTML. Striking attributes like dynamic binding, POJO model, MVC Architecture, and dependency injection wipe out the requirement for code that was initially crucial. Further, AngularJS is growing exponentially with the recent advancements in its latest versions.
There are several reasons to use AngularJS, some of them being:
- Can effortlessly create Rich Internet Applications
- Open-source
- Cross-browser
- Enables developers to make front-end apps utilizing JavaScript in a clean MVC approach.
- Unit-testable code
- Reusability of code
- Facilitates data-binding in HTML
- Dependency Injection (DI)
2. ReactJS
Facebook's ReactJS is an efficient, flexible, declarative JavaScript library for user interface building. It is a component-based, open-source front-end library responsible for only the view layer of an application. It uses a declarative paradigm and aims to be efficient and flexible. Additionally, React designs simple views for each state in your application and will update the right component when the data changes. The declarative view makes the code more predictable and comfortable to debug.
Further, ReactJS is a warehouse of features, and there’s no way you cannot like it. Its benefits include:
- Simplicity: ReactJS is simple to learn and build a web or mobile application. React uses a syntax called JSX, which allows developers to mix HTML with JavaScript, but this is not a requirement. The developer can write in plain JavaScript also.
- Reusability: In React, extensive code reusability is supported. By building components, most of the code repetition can be eliminated.
- Mobile Apps: React Native allows the developer to create cross-platform native apps. React native can be easily picked by React developers, and with the use of proper data management tools (like redux), a lot of React website code can be used in Apps.
- Testability: ReactJS applications are very easy to test.
The Back-end: A Brief Introduction
The backend, which is likewise called server-side, stays undetectable and not open to clients. It gives a spine to the application. The most widely recognized parts of the backend are programming languages, for example, Ruby and Python; libraries and systems, for example, Ruby on Rails and Django; and a JavaScript runtime env, for example, Node.js.
Choosing the right backend technology can be a daunting task, yet it can be simplified by considering the following factors:
1. Size and complexity of the project
Simple applications on tight deadlines, particularly MVPs, require a distinct methodology compared to big projects with many capacities. In any case, in the event that you figure you may need to upscale later on, pick an adaptable stack that permits you to develop.
2. The kind of project
Data-intensive applications, booking frameworks, person-to-person communication applications, streaming applications, CMS, IoT, FinTech applications, and straightforward MVPs will probably require diverse stacks.
3. The expense
Remember that a few technologies are open-source and free for business use, which is just one point on the endless rundown of the favorable pointers that open-source gives to both the developers and stakeholders. Others are authorized and paid. Likewise, developers' rates vary according to the technology they specialize in. The stacks that are considered a specialty can be expensive. Also, remember that the release doesn't mark the end of work on the application – you have to look after, update, and conceivably upscale it.
The Top Back-End Technologies You Must Know!
It remains a staggeringly hard task to express the contrasts between programming languages. Since all programming languages have their military of backers who will decline any analysis about their language of decision. Therefore, it is vital not just to comprehend the contrasts between programming languages but to know what a wrong decision while choosing a backend technology has on a project.
Below are the top-performing backend languages that will help you stay within the circle of success.
1. PHP
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open-source back-end scripting language developers use to build web apps and sites. It is a cross-platform scripting language that can be utilized to create apps that seamlessly run on all Operating Systems. PHP is one of the fastest programming languages and facilitates the creation of websites that load quickly.
Further, it also has a huge assortment of utilitarian modules, and some of the modules accessible in PHP incorporate Graphics and PDF, among others.
One of the greatest advantages of PHP is that it is very easy to learn and use because of its simple syntax. Anyone familiar with the C language can easily grasp PHP without any difficulty.
2. Python
Curated by Guido van Rossum and rolled out in 1991, Python is an interpreted, cutting-edge, general-purpose programming language.
It reduces the need for coding significantly and has high utility because of third-party modules. Not just that, but the high extensibility of python enables you to write a few pieces of code in other languages like C++ and C#. The ease of use and extensive libraries offer back-end developers more productivity than other programming languages. Python is used not just for building basic applications like desktop apps, Oss, Business Apps, and web frameworks but is also the best fit for AI and ML-based web development.
3. Ruby
Ruby is the programming language that is utilized accompanied by Rails. Ruby is to Rails as PHP is to Zend or as Python is to Django. The sheer class and finesse of the language are what attract the back-end developers towards this language and make it a must-have in your tech stack. The most exceptional feature of Ruby is that it prioritizes conventions rather than configuration, which helps the back-end developers as they don't have to waste their precious development time configuring the files to start the development process. It comes pre-configured, which saves a lot of time and speeds up the development process.
4. Java
Java is an object-oriented, platform-independent, general-purpose programming language designed to have negligible implementation reliance. As a result of Java's power, convenience, cross-stage capacities, and security highlights, it has become the most preferred language among developers. Java Virtual Machine's remarkable identifier distinguishes and confirms the bytecode before running it. It has the component of the Stack designation framework. Further, it follows LIFO (Last in, First Out), which causes the information to be put away and recovered effectively. Java is one of the programming languages that support Multithreading which is the capacity for a program to play out multiple errands simultaneously inside a program.
5. C# / Visual Basic
C# is a platform-independent, Java Based programming language whose syntax is similar to C++. It is an object-oriented language that does not support multiple inheritances like Java. It takes great advantage of the design of the .Net. Microsoft has built a pair of flexible business back-end solutions called Asp.Net and Core that are written in C# or Visual Basic.
6. JavaScript
Node.js is a back-end solution written in JavaScript that has been trending for several years. Being written in JavaScript gives it an edge over others because, with this, developers can work in the same language for both the front-end and back-end of a project. Moreover, it has also been proven efficient at scaling up applications to handle large user bases.
Factors to Consider While Choosing the Right Tech Stack!
1. Availability of resources
The accessibility of human resources who can work on your project is one of the most characterizing variables that will impact your organization's tech stack. Assure that your developers will be able to work efficiently with the tech stack that you have chosen. Assume you select a tech stack that isn't based on a common programming language. In such a case, finding a developer who can work on the language can be a daunting task.
2. Budget
Budget is undoubtedly a deciding factor for your tech stack. If you choose a technology that does not have abundant specialists in the market, you might have to pay them extra. Moreover, choosing paid technology over open-source technology can also be a concern while working on your project. Therefore, draft your budget and plan your tech stack accordingly.
3. Phase
The tech stack requirements for your business might change as your business scales up, or a new issue arises. Therefore, comprehending what phase you are at and choosing the stack accordingly is vital. If you are a start-up, you would be looking at open-source, easy-to-utilize technology and easy accessibility of human resources. On the other hand, if you are an established business, you might require enterprise-grade technology which can handle more complex issues.
4. Requirements
While framing a tech stack for your company, it is crucial to comprehend the needs of your project. You must understand what your audience expects from you and what are their major requirements. If your project requires complex numerical analysis, you might choose Python. However, if you are more concerned with the aesthetics of your project and it does not have to do much, you must work with some other technology.
5. Robustness
New technologies come every day, and the old ones perish. Therefore, choosing a technology for your tech stack that is time-tested and has a big community that can help you in case you get stuck is very important.
6. Safety
Ensure that the application is created, remembering the prescribed procedures of security. Running security tests on both customer and server is vital to kill the regular security dangers. Toward the end, settle on a decision that works best for your business. You can pick the innovation to go with in light of your business objectives, necessities, and the assets you can bear.
What are the benefits of choosing the right stack?
The technology utilized in your task can highly affect how it functions and how it will act later. For instance, some server frameworks are made for high-read activities. However, they are less proficient with regard to high-write traffic. That is something essential to know whether you're changing your application from local file storage to cloud file storage. Your tech stack can likewise impact the versatility of your item.
Certain stacks will better serve various activities. Since many various mixes are feasible for your tech stack, it's troublesome (if not difficult) to sum up. Be that as it may, getting acquainted with the qualities and shortcomings of your tech stack before you begin assembling your item will assist you with taking advantage of the qualities and moderating the shortcomings.
Once you have settled on the right tech stack, it will ease the whole documentation process, and all the future bugs and errors will be easier to rectify for the same reason.
Choosing the right tech stack and working on it for a long time will establish your team’s expertise, amplifying your brand image.
You can work with the same team for multiple projects.
It minimizes errors and increases efficiency.
What are the drawbacks of choosing the wrong stack?
If you end up settling for wrong tech stack, it can be a huge mistake for your company as well as for your clients:
- Choosing the wrong tech stack may lead to incompatible and unnecessary dependencies.
- It can result in Dry-schema and Dry-validation misunderstandings
- Problems with ROM.rb and Sequel (Database) might occur.
- A wrong tech stack might hinder your testing process.
- You might face difficulty hiring the right professionals if your chosen technology is not widely used. Your tech stack may become unsustainable or unscalable.
Hence, it is very important that you find a company that knows what they are doing, and Squareboat is one such company!
The Services We Specialize In
1. Frontend Development
We provide services for "client-side programming," i.e., front-end development. We believe in creating user-friendly experiences for all our clients. Our list of tools covers Angular, React, Vue, Jquery, SASS, Bootstrap, HTML 5, and CSS 3. Our team ensures your customer’s experience is delightful and easy to use.
2. Backend Growth
We prioritize web backend & development services, and our services are comprehensive. The backend tools we use to make your website proficient and interactive are Laravel, NodeJS, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, AWS, Redis, Firebase, and Elasticsearch. Our key quality is our attention to each detail that our clients provide.
3. App Development Services
In this age of digitalization, every business needs to make an online dent. And for you to achieve that, we ensure that our professional app developers build a mobile app that suits your business needs and demands. For a successful business app, it is important that you develop your mobile application for all crucial platforms like iOS and Android, and our team can help you with that.
4. Web Development Services
We firmly believe that a great website can potentially convert visitors into customers. A good website can do wonders for your business. Therefore, we help companies create websites and web applications that help them take their business online. We understand that each of our clients has a different business goal, so we customize our services accordingly to meet all the expectations.;
5. DevOps Services
At Squareboat, our team of AWS experts can manage anything from a new to an existing cloud infrastructure for you. We will provide you with the right architecture, organized management, regular optimization, and service improvements. Moreover, with our use of high-quality tools and the latest technology, we promise to deliver the best overall experience to you and your users.
At the end of the day, it is up to you to make a choice that works best for your startup. You should choose the best technology stack after thoroughly analyzing your requirements, business goals, and resources. What suits someone might not always suit you, and vice versa. The choice of a technology stack is very personal and varies from organization to organization.
A clear view of your requirements would ease the entire process of choosing the right tech stack for your company. Discuss your goals and requirements with your team and choose a tech stack that compliments your company and its business procedures.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Which technology is best for startups?
Currently, startups can focus on innovative technologies such as IoT, artificial intelligence, VR and gaming arcade, cyber security services, data analysis, machine learning, etc.
2. Is AWS a tech stack?
Ans. AWS or Amazon Web Services offer cloud services to organizations in their tech stack. A tech stack consists of tools such as continuous integration and delivery, automation, or cloud services.
3. Is Python a tech stack?
Python isn’t a tech stack. However, you can use this popular programming language in web development, web applications, server programming, etc.
4. Is API a tech stack?
No, API is not a tech stack. API services offer collections of pre-built APIs.
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