Squareboat: Crafting Standout Features

We have covered various features.

Payment Gateway Integration

Payment gateway integration simplifies the payment and checkout process for users on the platform, allowing them to pay with their preferred payment methods such as Credit Cards, UPI, Bank transfers, and much more without leaving the website or app.

Whatsapp Integration

This feature facilitates instant notifications, updates, and customer support interactions directly through WhatsApp, enhancing user engagement and convenience.

Social Login

Social Login allows users to sign in to the platform using their social media details from platforms like Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter simplifying the registration and login process and providing a seamless experience.

Admin Panel

Admin Panel provides administrators with a centralized interface to manage various aspects of the platform, including user accounts, content moderation, analytics, and system settings.


B2B stands for Business To Business. A model, where business cater to other business rather than catering to individual customers using either SAAS (Software as a service) or PAAS (Product as a service).


The term business-to-consumer (B2C) refers to the process of selling products and services directly between a business and consumers who are the end-users of its products or services.

Interactive Dashboard

Interactive Dashboard furnishes users with a visually rich and user-friendly interface, enabling them to access, analyze, and act upon real-time data and insights pertinent to their platform engagement.


This feature allows to create, publish, and share content-rich articles or posts within the platform. Blogs are a valuable content marketing tool that allows brands to share informative, engaging, and relevant content with the audience.

Ledger Management

Ledger Management enables businesses to efficiently manage their financial transactions, accounts, and records. This crucial feature provides a centralized platform for recording, tracking, and organizing financial data.

Leads Management

Leads Management streamlines the process of capturing, tracking, and nurturing potential customers or leads within the platform facilitating lead generation and communication, efficiently managing sales pipeline and driving conversions.

KYC Integration

KYC (Know Your Customer) integration automates the KYC process by integrating with third-party identity verification services, allowing brands to authenticate customer identities quickly and securely.

Coupon Management

Coupon Management is a valuable feature that enable various brands to create, manage, and distribute coupons for users to apply on the platform. This feature enable targeted promotions, discounts, and incentives to attract and retain customers.


Geolocation functionality enables brands to access the real-time location of users to provide personalized experiences and relevant content within the platform.

Multiple Coupon Application

Multiple Coupon Application is a versatile feature that allows users to apply multiple coupons simultaneously during checkout. This feature enables users to maximize savings by combining various promotional offers during checkout.

Banner Management

This feature empowers administrators to create, customize, and manage banners or promotional messages displayed within the platform. This feature enables targeted advertising, announcements, or promotional campaigns

Subscription Management

When a brand has to offer various subscription plans, manage subscriber accounts, process payments, or automate renewal processes; Subscription management feature comes in handy.


This feature facilitates user-driven growth through various methods such as referral links, unique referral codes, or social sharing options. Users can easily share their referral links or codes with friends, and family, or on social media platforms.

Video Streaming

This enables users to seamlessly stream video content within the platform. This feature supports various video formats and resolutions, adaptive streaming for optimal viewing experience across different devices and network.


The chat feature enables real-time communication between users within the platform. This feature supports instant messaging, multimedia sharing, and group chat functionalities.


The leaderboard showcases user rankings based on various metrics within the platform. This feature promotes competition, recognition, and engagement by highlighting top performers, contributors, or achievers.


B2B2C stands for business-to-business-to-consumer and is a business model where two companies provide complementary goods or services to reach the same end consumer.


Chatbot provides scripted responses to user inquiries and prompts within the platform. This feature offers predefined dialogue paths to guide users through common tasks, answer frequently asked questions, and provide basic assistance.

Video Call

This enables users to engage in real-time video communication within the platform. This feature supports one-on-one or group video calls, along with a chat feature. Video calls facilitate virtual meetings, collaborations, and personal interactions.


The rewards feature incentivizes users by offering benefits, discounts, or points in exchange for their actions or loyalty to the brand within the platform.

Profile Management

This feature allows users to customize and maintain their personal profiles within the platform. This feature allows users to update their information & upload profile pictures. Additionally, users can view their preferences and account settings.

Welcome Notification

The Welcome Notification feature is an automated message or alert that is sent to users when they first interact with a brand's platform or application on e-mail or whatsapp etc.

Event Management

Event Management facilitates the creation, organization, and promotion of events within the platform. This feature includes tools for scheduling, ticketing, attendee management, and promotion.

Landing Pages

Focused landing pages can be utilised to leverage Search Engine Marketing (SEM) strategies, attracting targeted users with the intent to purchase specific products showcased on the page.

Multi-Currency Support

Multi-Currency Support enables users to conduct transactions and view pricing in various currencies based on their geographical location within the platform.

Customer Support

This feature provides users with assistance, guidance, and resolution to queries or issues they encounter within the platform via email support, or ticketing systems, staffed by dedicated support agents or automated responses.

Real-time Order Tracking

This feature provides visibility into order processing, monitoring, shipping, and delivery stages, offering updates and notifications at each step of the journey.

Inventory Management

This feature simplifies product management enabling users to effortlessly add, update, and organize products. This feature ensures smooth operations by providing tools for product catalog management and easy access to product details.

Distinct Product Listing

Distinct Product Listing allows brands to showcase their products in a unique and organized manner, providing a clear and engaging shopping experience for customers.

User Onboarding

User Onboarding involves providing welcome messages, tutorials, interactive walkthroughs, and tooltips to help users familiarize themselves with the features and functionalities of the website/application.

Slot Management

Slot Management is a feature that helps brands to efficiently organize or allocate time slots for various activities. It involves scheduling and managing appointments, bookings, reservations, or services based on availability and demand.

Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic Pricing is a feature that allows brands to adjust the prices of their products or services dynamically based on various factors such as demand, supply, market conditions, and customer behaviour.

Advanced Search

Advanced Search enables users to find specific products, services, or information quickly and accurately by filtering and sorting them in the easiest way possible as per their choice.

Community Feature

The Community Feature enables users to engage, interact, and connect with each other within a brand's ecosystem. This feature fosters abilities such as discussion forums, user-generated content, and peer-to-peer communication channels.

Wallet Service

Wallet Services is a convenient and secure feature that allows users to store funds digitally within their account, similar to a virtual wallet within an application's ecosystem.

Cart Management

To provide a seamless and intuitive shopping experience, cart management feature comes in handy as it allows users to add, remove, and manage items in their shopping cart while browsing an e-commerce or quick-commerce store.

Hello Bar

The Hello Bar is a versatile feature prominently displayed at the top of a website, typically used to convey important messages, announcements, promotions, or calls-to-action to visitors.


Gamification leverages elements like points, badges, leaderboards, challenges, rewards, and progression systems to make tasks or activities more enjoyable, interactive, and rewarding for users.


A Quiz is an interactive feature that presents users with a series of questions or challenges designed to test their knowledge, skills, or preferences on a particular topic or subject.

Content management

Content Management is a comprehensive feature that allows brands to create, organize, edit, and publish digital content across various platforms such as website, blogs, and app.


This feature enables the platform to support multiple languages, allowing users to access content and communicate in their preferred language.

Social Sharing

This feature enables users to effortlessly share platform content across their social media networks, amplifying reach and fostering community engagement.

Social feed

This replicates the familiar social media feed experience within the platform, displaying user-generated content, updates, and interactions for seamless engagement and community building.

Social Analytics

This feature provides comprehensive insights and metrics on user engagement, reach, and interaction in the platform offering detailed analytics such as views, likes, shares, and comments, enabling users to track the performance.

Wishlist Service

This feature enables users to curate a personalized collection of desired items or content. Users can easily add or remove items from their wishlist, facilitating organization and wishlist management.

Notification Management

This feature empowers Admins to view and edit notification history, create new notifications with customizable titles and descriptions, schedule their delivery, and target specific user groups for tailored communication.

Role Management

This feature enables Admins to define and assign specific roles and permissions to users within the system. It facilitates granular control over access levels and capabilities, ensuring security, organization, and streamlined collaboration.

Social Media

This feature amalgamates interactive functionalities such as likes, comments, shares, and a dynamic social feed, fostering user engagement, interaction, and community building.

Freemium Model

This feature offers users both free and premium versions of the service. Users can access basic features for free, while premium features are available for a subscription fee.


The Newsletter feature allows users to subscribe to regular updates and announcements, providing them with curated content, news, and information tailored to their interests or needs.

Report Management

This feature empowers admins to generate diverse reports and download them in various formats such as CSV or PDF, providing comprehensive insights and data for analysis and decision-making.

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