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Database Models

Just like any other ORM, ObjectionJS also provides support for models. We have added a BaseModel which you can use to create your own models.


We have added a BaseModel which you can use to create your models.

  • Uses Custom Query Builder which offers some powerful query methods.
  • Already tuned for high performance.
  • $load function for better performance, only loads the relation if it is not already loaded
  • $forceLoad function for reloading the requested relation forcefully.

Model Conventions

Database Connections

By default, all models will use the default database conneciton that is configured for your application. If you would like to specify a different connection that should be used when interacting with a particular model, you should define a connection property on the model.


Currently, only repositories support multiple connections. Querying models directly on different connection other than default connection is currently not supported.

The repository will automatically read connection property and use the specified connection.

import { BaseModel } from "@squareboat/nestjs-objection";

export class UserModel extends BaseModel {
static tableName = "users";
static connection = "postgres";

Model Helpers


This method expects an object obeying RelationExpression, as explained here.

const user = await User.query().first();

// runs the relational query to fetch all related models of address
console.log(await user.$load({ address: true }));

// returns the already fetched data
console.log(await user.$load({ address: true }));


This method expects an object obeying RelationExpression, as explained here.

const user = await User.query().first();

// reloads the relational query to fetch all related models of address
console.log(await user.$forceLoad({ address: true }));

// will again reload the already fetched data
console.log(await user.$forceLoad({ address: true }));

To learn more about ObjectionJS models, click here.

Query Builder

This boilerplate comes packed with a query builder which provides some high utility query methods.