Bold and Beautiful

A Transportation company dedicated to Female Cabbies


What is Bold and Beautiful ?

Bold and Beautiful (B&B) is a pioneering transportation company founded in 2023 with a mission to offer a safe and convenient travel platform exclusively for women. By introducing a mobile application for mobile devices, B&B enables users to seamlessly access a range of services, including city rides, rentals, and even airport rides. Moreover, B&B stands out for its dedication to empower women by providing employment opportunities as drivers. Through its innovative approach and unwavering commitment to female empowerment, B&B continues to redefine the landscape of women's travel experiences.

Key Features

Social Login
Social Login allows users to sign in to the platform using their social media details from platforms like Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter simplifying the registration and login process and providing a seamless experience.
The term business-to-consumer (B2C) refers to the process of selling products and services directly between a business and consumers who are the end-users of its products or services.
Profile Management
This feature allows users to customize and maintain their personal profiles within the platform. This feature allows users to update their information & upload profile pictures. Additionally, users can view their preferences and account settings.
Customer Support
This feature provides users with assistance, guidance, and resolution to queries or issues they encounter within the platform via email support, or ticketing systems, staffed by dedicated support agents or automated responses.
Geolocation functionality enables brands to access the real-time location of users to provide personalized experiences and relevant content within the platform.

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