Plastic Mandi

Your go-to platform for everything plastics

What is Plastic Mandi ?

Plastic Mandi is your premier destination for all things related to the plastic trade industry. It offers a comprehensive platform where you can buy and sell a wide range of polymer products, including HDPE, LDPE, PP, PVC, and more. With a focus on connecting manufacturers, traders, importers, exporters, and other key players in the plastic supply chain, Plastic Mandi provides real-time updates on polymer prices, industry news, trends, and valuable resources such as trade directories and exhibitions.

Business Verticals


Technology Stack
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    Adobe XD

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Revolutionizing the Traditional Plastic Market

With the Plastic Mandi app, you can access a vast marketplace of polymer products including HDPE, LDPE, PP, PVC, and more, all from the convenience of your mobile device. Stay updated with live polymer prices, industry news, trends, and valuable resources right at your fingertips. The Plastic Mandi app ensures a smooth and efficient trading experience, making it the essential tool for anyone in the plastics sector.


Plastic Mandi's Mobile App

The Plastic Mandi Android app is thoughtfully designed and developed to accommodate a diverse consumer base, including those who may not be tech-savvy. With its intuitive navigation, user-friendly login process, the app ensures that users can easily navigate through its features. In addition to this, the app also allows sellers to download invoices, check their order history, and provides real-time information about the status of their bids.

Technology Stack
  • Design

    Adobe XD

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The Admin Panel

The Admin Panel of Plastic Mandi empowers the backend team with unparalleled control over the operations. From effortlessly onboarding users to managing user profiles and seamlessly handling user deletions, the Admin Panel streamlines every aspect of user management. Dive deep into insights with ease by accessing the list of active users and monitoring their activities. Stay dynamic with the ability to edit and update news banners instantly, ensuring your platform is always up-to-date and engaging.

Technology Stack
  • Design

    Adobe XD

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